Wanting even more inspiration for making life a little easier? Don’t miss these other round-ups of helpful tips!

Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
OMG, these were FABULOUS tips, I will be using these, thanks sooo much!!
Those are all some really great tips for crafters! I particularly like the thumb tack idea 🙂
I’ve seen many of these ideas floating around and thought they were all brilliant! I have not, however, seen the freezer paper for patterns. Wow! I will be pinning that one for sure!
I can attest to the coke tab hanger and the green onions. Both worked marvelously! I won’t even tell you how long I kept my green onions around. It was obscene! 🙂
Cupcake liners and glitter picker-uper were new to me. Love it! Seriously, that cupcake liner thing is so common sense….why didn’t I think of that?
I saw that piping bag video the other day and it changed my life! Seriously, I used to wash and re-use my Wilton frosting bags and what a nightmare that was. Now I’ll never have to wash them again!
Oh my gosh!! The glitter pickup… Like the guy on Despicable Me… LIGHTBULB!! Thank you so much for that one! 🙂 My husband thanks you too, he doesn’t like going to work with glitter. 😉 ha ha
AWESOME Ideas! Love it! I know I could use every one of these. 🙂
WOW! I don’t use piping bags, but that tip is very awesome!!! I also love the one about using a rubber band to remove a stripped screw. We are remodeling our kitchen and have several cabinets that are needing to be moved but the screws are stripped. Now we have something to try so we don’t have to tear up the cabinet and wall and create extra work for ourselves!!! Perfect timing with this post, thank you. 😀
These are all great finds. Thanks for including Dollar Store Crafts in your list, but even more, thanks for sharing your great finds! I’ll link up at the DSC FB page!
I can always count on you to put together a great roundup of ideas, Amy! You pick the perfect topics. Thanks for the great collection of tips and thanks for including me!
Lots of GREAT handy tips here… Thanks for sharing them.. 🙂
I’m dying over the frosting bag trick! so cool!
These are great! I just finished fooling with washing and re-washing piping bags and getting frosting everywhere trying to fill them or twist them closed–wish I’d known about that little trick then! I’ll know next time! The rest are great too! Going to try the green onions tomorrow!
I saw something on pinterest that suggests folding your sheets so that they fit into their own matching pillowcase. Such a simple idea but something I had never thought of! Makes you feel a little stupid that you never thought of some of this stuff!!
I saw something on pinterest that suggests folding your sheets so that they fit into their own matching pillowcase. Such a simple idea but something I had never thought of! Makes you feel a little stupid that you never thought of some of this stuff!!
@Claire -I know what you mean. Years ago, I saw an article in Family Circle magazine giving the tip about storing sheet sets in their pillow cases. I have been doing it ever since. To help me get those crazy fitted sheets to fold well, I found a fab method & posted about it here: http://shanarunacreativespace.blogspot.com/2010/12/little-off-topic-how-to-fold-fitted.html
@Amy -This is an awesome post! I am just now getting to it… Thanks for sharing all this great info. 🙂
Amy- thanks for sharing these! I love them all. 🙂
These are wonderful tips! I’d seen a few, but definitely not all of them and I can’t wait to try to the lint roller to pick up glitter messes (even when I use a tray, it all gets everywhere)! Please share more of these kinds of tips – I LOVE them! : )
-Mel the Crafty Scientist