Hello Positively Splendid readers!
I’ll tell you what this blog is: POSITIVELY SPLENDID.
And Amy?
Splendid in every way!
What an honor it is to share this little project on her fabulous blog. I’m about to break into a whole Wayne’s World, “I’m not worthy” sketch.
It’s super funny, stop and imagine…..
Anyway, my name is Ellie G, and I blog over at the little place I like to call Less Cake {more frosting}. Ellie G is kind of a little alias I blog under. My given name is Lara. And now I answer to both!
I love to eat, talk, drink Diet Coke, make some cool stuff, and I admit that once I bought a tube of Cake Mate frosting and actually just ate it.
Now that we’re introduced, let’s talk….
Amy’s asked me to talk a little with you about one of my very favorite subjects.
If you’re not familiar….don’t worry.
(one of my blogging pet peeves, is when people make me feel silly for not understanding a certain “term” or “blog speak”)
- “Printables” is a term that’s used to describe graphic designs that are downloaded from the internet.
- They are sometimes free, and sometimes not.
- They are wonderful because you can get them through your computer, and then you can either immediately print them out of your home printer, or you can have them printed professionally.
- They are anything from art, to cards, to invites, to party decor, to banners….the possibilities are endless!
I get a LOT of questions about how I create mine. And here’s the Reader’s Digest Version:
- I am a self taught graphic designer, however it has now become a bit of a 2nd job for me (second to my “mom job”)
- I design in both Photoshop and Illustrator, and currently own the CS2 Creative Suite
- I am not an expert, by any stretch of the imagination, but am a big advocate of figuring out what you love….and then figuring out how to do it!
- I print things both at home, and by ordering them online through printing services. I’m also a big fan of store photo centers, where you can upload an image at home…and then go and pick it up an hour later.
And finally, the last question I get A LOT. “I want to make some things myself, should I get Photoshop and Illustrator?”
Easy answer. No.
Those programs are cumbersome, difficult, and way more “program” than you need. (it’s probably more than I need too) If you think you’d like to do some designs on your own, start with a program that you don’t sink a fortune into.
- I’ve heard great things about Piknik, (although I’ve never used it, myself) And since it’s free, you can decide if it’s something you enjoy.
- I used Printshop for YEARS. It is user friendly, and a great way to make basic designs. It is really quite reasonably priced as well.
- I think Adobe Elements is really the way to go if you’d like to start learning how to do graphic designs/digital scrapbooking. It is around $100 and is a VERY powerful program. While still being user friendly. Plus, if you decide it’s something you really love….it’s made by the same company as the CS Suite, and so transitioning from it….to the big boys….is a lot easier. 🙂
All that mumbo-jumbo aside…..want the good news???
You don’t HAVE to do ANY of it yourself! There are a TON of graphic designers, budding graphic designers, and just Moms in their basement, willing to share their creativity for FREE!
You can find them by googling them, or (my favorite way) is finding someone that I like the style of….and then following the links to their favorite blogs.
For Amy, (since I love her like crazy) and for her cute readers….I’ve designed a SUPER easy last second printable to use for your “SWEETIE”.
(or….just for yourself…because you deserve it!!!)
It’s a printable wrapper for KING SIZE candy bars. I’ve seen tons for the tiny ones, or the regular size ones, but I like the BIG DADDY! The one you shouldn’t eat in one sitting. (but do anyway)
I printed out one just on my own home printer, to show you how easy it is…..it took me 2 minutes to print, and cut it out.
- Simply click on the graphic until it is at it’s maximum resolution on your screen. Right click on it, and save it to your computer.
- It is saved as a .jpg file. Which means it’s just like a photo file.
- You can just print it straight from your computer.
- It is sized to replace your candy wrapper, exactly!
You can also run the file to a store and have it printed on a laser printer, or a at a higher quality. Then it will look even better!
**Honesty Alert** This candy might be filled with an empty piece of aluminum foil. I may have had a midnight EMERGENCY for an entire bar……and then wrapped up air for this photo. Ooops!
Just crease the paper, along the sides, and use some double sided sticky tape to fasten the wrapper along the back side.
Even the ingredients are listed to give your “SWEETIE” a giggle. I particularly love how where it lists the Fat content….it tells me “you are so NOT fat!”
Thanks so much Amy, for letting me give your readers a little “insider info” on my favorite thing to do in my spare time. I just adore making things that I love! And since it’s the season for love……
Treat yourself to a free printable, and a treat. You deserve it!!

Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
This is absolutely adorable! Thank you so much for sharing it.
Such a cute printable! I am having trouble staying out of my bag of mini candy bars…I totally don’t need a king sized one at my house:)
My favorite part about this is definitely the ingredients on the label. It really makes it. “Carbs Shmarbs” and “You are so not fat.” Hilarious!
THANK YOU so much for letting me post on your blog today, Amy! You know how much I ADORE you and every single thing you do! You are such a SWEETIE!
Will you print one out and pretend it’s from me?
Thanks again, a million times over!
Great tips! And I love the wrapper. So cute!
So cute! Here’s another printable I’m going to have to print out.
how darling, and I love the nutrition info. best. Super cute idea. jen
I LOVE “Less Cake More Frosting” and this printable!
Hi, I agree with you. Really this blog is very informative.
Photos on canvas