Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
I would like to leave a help for laundry. I have 8 kids and as you have found, the laundry can overwhelm the entire house. All the tips are good ones but the one thing I added was doing each childs (or in my case…each bedrooms) laundry on a separate day. This saved my brain from overload with all the different, but so close sizes from driving me batty! If the kids are old enough, they are responsible to have their own loads done and gone from the laundry room by that night…or that basket is forfeit for the week. Worked like a charm!
Thanks Amy! I picked up a box of Washing Soda today at Krogers and can’t wait to start making my own detergent! Believe it or not, I already had Borax and Ivory from previous projects with the kids…so it saved me even more $$! (Slime & Snowball soap crafts)
Thanks for the tip and for featuring mine!
Great tips for tackling the never ending laundry and clothing organization woes.
Brandy’s tip about lining up the clothes in the drawers instead of stacking them is brilliant!! I might just spend tomorrow morning doing that to the kid’s drawers.
Oh laundry…not my favorite subject…I would rather clean a toilet…BUT some very good tips here. I make my own laundry soap and LOVE the price and the smell.
A little while back I read over on I’m an Organizing Junkie to devote a single day to each family member. So each day of the week I have assigned to a different child, and one each for hubby & I. Then I do towels and sheets on the weekend.
Works like a charm…most of the time 😉
I like doing laundry about as much as I like going to the dentist! But these are some great tips! Thanks for sharing!
Well I was kinda skeptical and worried that I’d even make this work, but I took a couple of hours with my irish twins toddlers and we went thru their mounds of hand me down clothes… the folding technique really works! I’m impressed! I actually got rid of one dresser drawer with the room it saved! So thank you very much for passing this information on!