Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
I’d probably pick a Christmas card.
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The ABC chart in your blog – the one with the animals. My daughter’s room is all animals, I love it!
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I would choose the tickle me pink zoo friends growth chart (on the canvas)! It is gorgeous!
I’d pick the polka dots…one in blue and one in pink for my twins! adorable! ~ Casey L
I liked them on FB! ~ Casey L
I love the photo posters.
What a fabulous shop! I would chose the A TO Z – TUTTI FRUTTI PERSONALIZED ALPHABET POSTER for Miss I* and the ANIMAL CRACKERS – TUTTI FRUTTI
MODERN ANIMAL ALPHABET POSTER for Miss V* 🙂 Thanks for introducing me to this great shop!
[email protected]
Love the growth charts!
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Michelle {Daydream Believers}
[email protected]
Since Christmas is right around the corner- I just love the Christmas cards
I just had a baby so I would love to get some of their birth announcements!
Those posters are so cute! I love the on the go in charcoal grey!
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I’m in need of some address labels!
Animal Crackers growth chart in primary colors. This would be so cute in my son’s room.
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Love the Up Up Away Growth Chart!
[email protected]
Too stinking cute! I think I would get the Zoo Friends photo poster for the baby’s room.
Love this shop – thanks for sharing. I just love the Live Well, laugh often photo poster!
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I love all of the animal cracker alphabet posters, with a boy & a girl I have a hard time trying to decide what color I want.
I’d pick the alphabet poster in this blog post! I absolutely in love with it!
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I love the photo posters!
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how cute! i think i would do some holiday cards… mrscheribrown at gmail dot com
liked on fb mrscheribrown at gmail dot com
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tweeted! mrscheribrown at gmail dot com
I love the growth charts! The perfect Princess one is perfect for my little princess. 🙂
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I would choose their holiday cards! I love the all wrapped up one! thanks!
I like the A to Z Primary Alphabet poster. I’ve been looking for some cute alphabet art for my soon to be 1 year old! What a great birthday present that would be for him!
I’m currently in the process of moving my littlest one into her big girl room to make way for another babe, and ANYTHING would be so cute, but a growth chart would be so fun!
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I love simply adorable personalized photo poster.
[email protected]
I would love the striped monogram
pink & lime poster for my daugher’s room!
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I love the on the go growth chart!
Ok, I love just about everything…lol..but for a boy I think the Hoot Hoot Growth Chart is the cutest in midnight! Thanks for the giveaway! I have shared via fb and twitter and have now followed Petite Lemon via fb and their blog! Thanks!
On The Go growth chart for my 4 boys who are always on the go themselves!
So many amazing items! Baby due in Nov, gender unknown, but I’d get either the Zoo Friends tickle me pink or the Animal Crackers. THanks for the giveaway! bethkostur at yahoo dot com
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it’s all really cute….i would choose one of the animal crackers alphabet posters!
“Liked” Petite Lemon on FB 🙂
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My fav has to be the Photo posters…definitely would make some of my kiddos 🙂
I love alphabet posters. They were all over my classroom! I would pick the animal crackers in the soft blue and mint OR zoo friends in ocean blue.
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I just love the Colorful Words growth chart! What a sweet way to watch your child grow!
Umm, what wouldn’t I buy?! I really like the “Color Me Primary” and “Balloon Party” growth charts. I am also a sucker for anything alphabet, but if I had to choose one (or two) I would say “Zoo Friends” and “A to Z”.
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I would definitely pick the “Hoot Hoot” growth chart!!!! Perfect for my girls’ room!!
I “liked” Petite Lemon on facebook!
Love the peppermint bliss cards! Thanks for the giveaway!
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LOVE this dotted blue poster…it would look great framed in my bathroom.
I would love to win this contest and buy my sweet nephew Jayden the “Woodland Fun Aqua” growth chart. What a wonderful shop!
Oh my word!! I love so may things in this shop!! So hard to decide, but I think I’d have to go with the Animal Crackers Tutti Frutti Alphabet print.
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#1. I would love the Woodland Fun Growth chart for my son Jayden! His room is sage with a woodland theme. LOVE your stuff.
Brittany, [email protected]
#2. Now a fan on FB! Thanks!
Brittany, [email protected]
#3. Proud to be a blog follower! So glad my sister sent me to you!
Brittany, [email protected]
#4 Shared on Facebook!
Brittany, [email protected]
#5. TWEETED! 🙂
Brittany, [email protected]
#1 I’d love to get the Little Peanut Soft Pink Alphabet Poster for my new niece!!
Following you on GFC as Ashley Brooke!
ashleybrookeblog at gmail dot com
#2 Following their blog!
Following you on GFC as Ashley Brooke!
ashleybrookeblog at gmail dot com
Super cute stuff! I would love to win Zoo Friends Alphabet Poster for my Grandson. Thanks so much for the chance to win. AJ
I tweeted about this giveaway! AJ @queenofmynest
All of their products are wonderful especially the alphabet poster with all of the animals on it. I also like the Halloween invitations for a party we’re having.
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I love the growth charts! Esp. the alphabet one or maybe the woodland fun one for girls!
Love the growth charts! I would choose my town candy!
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Picture Me Deep Blue Growth Chart!
I like Petite Lemon on Facebook – emillie rose.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
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hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
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Photo posters for sure! Thanks for the chance!