- Tomatoes (Roma and Cherry)
- Peppers (Red, Green, and Serrano)
- Green Beans
- Beets
- Carrots
- Japanese Eggplant
- Crook-Neck Squash
- Watermelon
- Cantaloupe
- Okra
- Leeks
- Zucchini
…and our zucchini.
I am starting to see blooms on our squash and tomato plants already, and there are tiny little bell peppers on our red bell pepper plant!
It appears this little guy is the culprit: a brown type of beetle that is apparently very much enjoying make a salad bar out of these plants right now, and I am too selfish of the thought of fresh green beans this summer to be generous enough to share.
Any insight into some organic, kid- and pet-safe ways to get rid of these? I called a local nursery this morning, and they recommended Sevin spray, but I would really like to use something natural if at all possible.

Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
Those are squash bugs on your zucchini and I would recommend picking them off your plants asap or your plants will be sucked dry in a day or two. No tips for after that, because my plants we dead within a day and I never got to try any organic methods for getting rid of them.
we planted our raised bed garden about the same time you did. it looks great! i have seen those same bugs on our cucumber, squash and zucchini plants (the yellow ladybug:), but they haven’t destroyed them yet.
i just did a search and they are actually called spotted cucumber beetles.
anyways, apparently you’re supposed to use floating row covers once you plant veggies that these insects like. not a lot of organic choices. here are some links:
good luck! i wonder if it’s too late to do the row covers….
I’m not positive that’s a squash bug on the zucchini, simply because it doesn’t look like the ones I dealt with (solid brown, not spotted), but I guess there could be different kinds of them. ACK! Speaking of squash/zucc, I need to get out and wrap the stems with either old t-shirt scraps or window screen so the borers don’t get to them. They killed all of my plants last year because I didn’t know about them.
Any bugs I see on my plants get picked off (usually the darn caterpillars) and dumped in a small tub of soapy water. Those I don’t see, those that are too small, or those that are too many get sprayed with a soapy water mixture (I use Dr. Bronner’s peppermint soap — I had once read the peppermint would help repel, don’t know if that’s holding true or not). Any eggs you see on the underside of leaves need to be scraped off and discarded as well. I also use diatomaceous earth for the crawly things (mostly slugs). Google some info on companion planting — marigolds and nasturtiums are great, as well as garlic and a few other herbs.
Darn that pesky little beetle!
Okay, Amy, now I am inspired! It’s time to get out in my yard, get my hands dirty, and plant my garden!
I’m interested to read what others suggest. I don’t know my bugs, but I know that when the bugs hit the garden, I just give up. I’ve heard to use soapy water, too, but I just don’t have the time to go out and spray/pick off all the bugs every day. Last year, I had some kind of nasty new-to-me squash bugs that destroyed all my squash and my pumpkins in a day. This year, I got chickens. 🙂 At first sight of bugs, I’m setting the chickens loose in the garden. At least maybe they’ll get rid of the bug population for next year, even if they destroy the plants. Are chickens on your DIY list for June perhaps??? j/k
Good luck, Amy, your garden is looking great!!
I have had success with a dishsoap listerine concoction just add water and spray it on.Your garden looks awesomw:) Deidre~ http://simplysimplisticated4.blogspot.com
Everything looks so green and lush. A few good rainfalls from now- everything will be huge! I’ve never planted squash – maybe I’ll give it a try this year, too!
I’ve done the Dr. Bronner’s peppermint soap with water or water with some peppermint essential oil in it and it’s worked for me so far. Also, I’ve tried chili powder mixed in with water and it’s helped. Here is a website with recipes I’ve tried, as well. http://drnataliecolicci.com/wordpress/?p=57
I haven’t used Sevin yet, though that is my plan this year as well. My next door neighbor does use it and it is organic, or you can at least buy the organic variety. They love it and they are an organic family.
I haven’t used Sevin yet, though that is my plan this year as well. My next door neighbor does use it and it is organic, or you can at least buy the organic variety. They love it and they are an organic family.
Cayenne pepper tea spray!!!!! even adding a drop or 2 of soap!! Spray under the leaves & on top if you see the critters there!!
First of all good for you for doing your part to make this world a better place! Your family will love the bounty and it’s good for getting kids outdoors when you need to weed, water and harvest. I don’t like to use commercial items either. I’ve had so much success using cayenne pepper in my garden to keep squirrels away that I’ve committed to keeping things as natural as possible. Don’t be afraid to check with a local University that has an agriculture or horticulture program, they are a wealth of free info. The U of M in MN is awesome for questions like yours. The first thing I would try is the dish soap and water. You can use the sprayer bottles that are intended for hooking up to your garden hose for spraying weed killer. I’m not sure of a ratio but Google it and see what comes up, you have nothing to lose. 2nd try would involve the mint oil or extract & water. Good luck and keep us posted on what works…..
Lookin good Amy (well except for your bugs!) Good for you in working toward your goals! 🙂
I’ve heard several decent home made weed killer recipes. I’m not sure about pesticides though.
Planting marigolds, chives, and other flowers and herbs can help repel pesky bugs from your garden. This is one of my favorite lists: http://www.squidoo.com/toptencompanionplants
Thanks for the link, Kallie! Great tips.