And for little girls, you can even make a matching Hayden Doll Dress for her favorite doll. Cute!!
Rompers are such an easy, practical option for dressing little ones, which is precisely why I love the Saffron Romper Pattern. My mom and I put together our own versions of this pattern for both of my girls, and it was a true pleasure to work with!
I also love the sweet simplicity of the Elsie Dress!
And, for those of you with sweet little guys to sew for, there’s something for you, too! The Asher Shirt Pattern will allow you to outfit him in style!
The contest will close at 11:59 p.m. CDT on August 4. The winner will be announced on August 5. In order to maximize your chances to win, you must leave a separate comment for each entry.
If your email address is not linked to your comment through Google, please leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you should you be chosen the winner. Thank you!
Good luck, and happy sewing!

Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
The Saffron and Peyton rompers are adorable! Been wanting to make one for my daughter.
I now follow the sew sweet blog!
I LOVE the Molly jumper dress! I also love the hayden dress and the saffron romper though…
I love the little doll dresses. My girls are too big for these patterns, but they would love some dresses for their dolls!
I like Sew Sweet on FB.
Love the Peyton Romper
I like the Sassy Pleated Skirt….Looks like an easy project for a beginner like me((: I like you on FB and Sew Sweet(: Thanks for the offer!!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
Now following the Sew Sweet blog!
I’m a follower of the Sew Sweet blog!
I love the Sophia Tunic!
I really like the Gia dress, but it is so hard to choose!
I love the petyon romper! I really like all of the patterns!
I follow her blog!
I follow on fb
I follow on twitter @jakesmomma04
I love the Charlotte coat!
[email protected]
I follow their blog.
[email protected]
I love the Hayden dress for girls and dolls!! I have 3 daughters!!!!
Love the Kylie pattern the best but all of the patterns are super cute. I would love to try them all! Thanks for the giveaway.
I became a follower of the SewSweet blog thru my google reader today. Glad to find out she has one! Thank you for a chance to win.
I love the Elsie dress!
[email protected]
I like the Elsie the best!
Such cute patterns! I had to look at each page of patterns three times before I could decide but I think if I had to pick, it would be the Izzy Ruffle Capri Pants and Shirt Set!
I follow Sew Sweet Patterns!
Oh I have been drooling over the Hayden dress with the matching doll pattern for 2 months. I have them saved in my favorites on etsy.
I follow her blog!
Hard to choose just one, so I didn’t, I really like the Twirly Dress and the Hayden Dress….
I am a follower of The Sew Sweet blog, and on Twitter… and I liked Sew Sweet on Facebook…
Thank You for a chance to win!
I liked her on facebook!
Love the Kate Wrap Around Dress. And the Kylie Dress (and not just because my daughters name is Kylie).
Following the Sew Sweet Blog.
Following Sew Sweet an Twitter.
There are so many pretty patterns there but my favorite is The Amelya Dress!
Liked Sew Sweet on Facebook.
I love the Hayden dress!
I love the Harper reversible dress! SO cute!
I liked it on FB! I would love to get the twirly dress pattern!
I am now following it! I would love to get the twirly dress pattern!
I would love to get the twirly dress pattern!
I follow the blog!
I follow on facebook!
I follow on twitter!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I love all the doll patterns, but especially the Elsie!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I love the Hannah Dress!!
I love the Sophia Tunic. So adorable! Classic lines, great for a little princess!
Oh, and I followed them on Twitter~
I “liked” Sew Sweet Patterns on facebook.
I LOVE the Elsie dress but my daughter, who LOVES to twirl, would love the twirly dress. 🙂
I follow the Sew Sweet blog!
I like Sew Sweet on Facebook!
I am now a follower of Sew Sweet Patterns BLOG. 🙂
I like the Twirly dress, the Hayden dress and the ruffle pants. So cute!
I know follow their blog.
LOVE the Saffron romper!
Now following the blog!
Liked them on Facebook!
I really like the Amelya dress. So cute!
I liked Sew Sweet on facebook!
The Kylie dress is my favorite.
I follow the Sew Sweet blog.
Love the Hayden design.. I have a little Haidyn of my own
The Hayden Dress is def my FAV!
I like sew sweet on FB
I follow Sew Sweet on Twitter!
I follow Sew Sweet blog!
Love that hayden dress!
Picking a favorite was not easy but I think it is the Hayden dress!!! I have Pinterested (is that a word) this site all up. 😀
I “liked” Sew Sweet Patterns on Facebook
I am following them on Twitter too.
I am following the blog as well. Thank for showing me this wonderful site.
Love the doll clothes patterns.
Ohhh, a new place for me to dream!
I love the Amelya dress and the Charlotte coat!
I love the Hayden dress and the Asher shirt for boys!
I follow sew sweet patterns blog!
I also follow sew sweet on Facebook! I am a big fan!! 🙂
Hmmm my favorite has to be the Twirly Dress!
I follow Sew Sweet on Twitter. (@nichole2203)
I already follow Sew Sweet on Facebook (Nichole Marie). :o)
Love the Izzy Ruffle pant suit!!
And I follow the blog! ;o)
I love the little ruffles on the shoulders of the Elsie dress!
brooke at richardchurch dot com
I have been a facebooke fan of sew sweet for a while. 🙂
brooke at richardchurch dot com
I am following you guys on Twitter, FB, & your blog. Loving all the adorable patterns! I want to start sewing dresses & outfits for my daughter. I also tweeted about the sweepstakes.
I retweeted your page.
I am following on Twitter.
I liked you guys on FB.
My favorite it the Tatum dress!
I follow the blog!
I like them on facebook!
Loving the romper & shirt patterns!
Fantastic chance! Thanks so much!
here’s my favorite pattern:
The twirly dress
I follow this lovely blog now 😉
joined sew sweet patterns on facebook!
follow sew sweet patterns finally on twitter, too!
Thanks for your generousity!
‘twittered’ your link!
good luck to all!
I adore the Happy Skirt and the Lily Halter Dress. Too Cute!
The Kate dress is one of my favorites.
I follow Sew Sweet patterns blog.
I “like” Sew Sweet Patterns on facebook.
I follow Sew Sweet Patterns blog
I like Sew Sweet Patterns on facebook
I follow this sight (privately)
i love the jumper! mrscheribrown at gmail dot com
I would love to win these patterns and my
favorite is the Janey Dress. Looks cute and
i follow sew sweet patterns blog mrscheribrown at gmail dot com
and fb mrscheribrown at gmail dot com
and twitter mrscheribrown at gmail dot com
and i tweeted! mrscheribrown at gmail dot com
The Mayah Reversible Pinafore and Bloomers are so adorable!!!
I’m following Sew Sweet Patterns on Twitter!
I’ve liked Sew Sweet Patterns on FB!
I tweeted (@meigheyburn) about this giveaway!!
I’m also following Sew Sweet Patterns’ Blog!!
The Asher shirt & Boy shorts for my handsome boy, the Hayden, Twirly & Elsie dresses for my sweet girl … how fun! Thanks 🙂
i like sew sweet on fb and i love sewing. the end.
Oh gosh, she’s got such adorable patterns! SO many of them I’d love to have. I really love the Gia Pleated Dress Child & Doll Set the most.
I am now a follower of Sew Sweet’s blog.
I have now ‘liked’ Sew Sweet on FB.
I love the Tatum Dress.
i “liked” Sew Sweet on Facebook
and now i “follow” Sew Sweet on my google account!!
she has such cute patterns!
Loves the Harper Reversible Dress pattern..
I am already follower to Sew Sweet Patterns BLog via GFC..
I liked Sew Sweet Patterns Page in FB too 🙂
I follow Sew Sweet Patterns in Twitter too…
Tweeted the great news here :-
I love the saffron romper and lily dress
I liked sew sweet patterns on fB
I follow the blog
The Harper Reversible Dress is adorable.
i actually love their Janey Dress pattern for Dolls…i have peasant top dress patterns for my girls but nothing to use to make for their baby dolls! Fun!
i’m already their FB fan! (initials ABS) thank you!
i now follow them on twitter with my @monkeygiveaways account
thank you!!!
I love the twirly dres pattern!
I now follow Sew Sweet via my Reader
Following Sew Sweet on Twitter
I like Sew Sweet on FB
I tweeted about the giveway too!
I love the Saffron and Peyton rompers! Thank you!
I love the Flutter Skirt – I have two little girls who would look adorable in matching skirts.
I also follow the Sew Sweet blog.
I love the saffron romper pattern. It is adorable!
[email protected]
I am following the Sew Sweet blog.
[email protected]
I “like” Sew Sweet patterns on facebook!
[email protected]
I really like the Hayden! So cute!
I “like” SewSweetPatterns on Facebook
I’m following the Sew Sweet Blog!
Oops I didn’t add my email address to the above: [email protected]
Everything is ADORABLE! How can I choose my favorite? I really really love the Sophia Tunic!!!
I follow the Sew Sweet Blog!
Cute patterns! I like the Clara nightgown.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
I follow the Sew Sweet blog.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
So cute! Love the Izzy pants set and the Hayden dress!
[email protected]
Love the pillow case dress tutorial on the blog! Thanks so much for the links to these … just what I was looking for.
[email protected]
Tweeted about Sew Sweet!
[email protected]
Hmmm … I just had to put LIKE on facebook … there should be a LOVE!!! Love these patterns!
[email protected]
I love the Hayden Dress.
[email protected]
I follow Sew sweet patterns on twitter and I found you too.
[email protected]
I am following Sew sweet patterns blog as well.
[email protected]
I follow sew sweet pattern on Facebook too!
[email protected]
i like the amelya dress…and the sophia tunic. they’re just so stinkin cute!
i follow sew sweet pattern blog
i like sew sweet ojn facebook
and also shared the giveaway!
Saffron Romper and Happy Skirt. I have a two boys (no girls), so I will say that either boy pattern is adorable also!
i love the boy shorts and asher shirt! thanks!
i follow sew sweet patterns
I love the Hayden dress. I wonder if it would be easy enough for this newbie to follow!